Sara looked around the club; everything was perfect and ready for opening night. She had invited Buffy, Anya, Xander, Willow, Tara, Dawn, and Spike to the Special Preview Night. She made the event up, just a select few to see the club before opening to the public. Lorne came out of the backroom, "Hi, Honey, don't be so nervous, but who am I to talk, when the Cartitas first opened I was an absolute wreck." he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, "It'll be ok, I promise." "Even with everything going on? Willow says she might swear off magic now for good, that really complicates things," Sara sighed, "What am I going to do? All that training, teaching her that the little spells are the ones that can do the most good. That you control the power and not the other way around. None of it took, and when Tara left, she ran free rein with Amy." "You are doing this the only way you know how, it's not everyday you train a replacement for the Immortal High Sorceress." he smiled as she winced at her title given by the Watchers. "I hate that Lorne, I did not ask for that, but after 1500 plus years of magic wielding I guess they had no choice but to head the department with me, most of the staff has no idea I even exist, hell, I draw my paycheck under an assumed name." "You're 2159 years old, someone might get suspicious if a check was printed to Pedibastet. How did you get to Sarafina from that anyhow?" She grinned, he always had a way of making her worries seem trivial "I borrowed the name from a girl I knew once. She was very wise and beautiful, she reminded me of what my name meant "Wise One of Bastet". "I try not to pry, but what was it like, back then?" he was changing subjects to get her mind off of the club and Willow. Just then the gang arrived, almost in separate groups. First Anya and Xander, she looked so happy, and it was about time, too. Her days as the patron saint of scorned women made her biased against men. Xander was giving her a very different view. Then Buffy and Willow, Willow avoided looking at Sara, trying to find the courage to tell her the decision she had made. When will she learn she cannot hide? Following were Spike, Dawn and Tara. Tara did not want to be here, but Sara strongly persuaded her. So did Dawn. In the end she had no choice. Once Dawn begged she crumbled. "Welcome to the club, let me give you the tour, then we will get this party started." Sara led the way, "and here we have the bar "With no booze? This ought a be interesting." "Spike...please let me finish...I realize sarcasm is all about timing, but please, keep it to a minimum." "Anyway" Sara walked over and turned on the light switch, the lights went out in the bar alcove and black lights came on. Emblazoned across the bar front were dancing figures, and the counter top had the menu lit up under it every other seat. The bar faced the dance floor; there were no bottles, no taps, and nothing to indicate it was more than a counter with stools. "Where's the Bartender supposed to, well ya know, tend bar?" Anya so observant, Sara always liked that about her. "Sit and ask the Bar for a drink, Spike you are a special case, so press the asterisk at the bottom of the menu listing, then select what you want." She wanted this to be a surprise, but knowing Willow's mood, it may not go over well. Anya sat and kind of yelled Fuzzy Navel, a drink materialized in front of her, she sipped "This is great, now Xander you try." She was bouncing on her stool in delight "I am going to be bold" he leaned real close to the counter, "Flaming Dr. Pepper" The Beer glass appeared, with a shot glass in side. "Cool!" "Magic, Your bar is magic," Buffy said with disapproval. "Yes, Buffy, I do magic," Sara was irritated at Buffy at the moment Normal people will want to go to the Bronze, those in the know will come here, and if I have to explain, I'll just say I invented the replicator or something." "Beam me up, Scotty" Spike quipped as her touched the asterisk on the menu before him, listed were Blood: Pig, Blood: Cow, Blood: Hesper Demon, Blood: Human, Brains: chicken, Brains: Boctow Worm, and many other odd items. "Just touch the one you are interested in, Spike, the Demon menu is not voice activated for safety reasons" A glass with a dark thick liquid in it appeared before him, "It's even warm!" Each took their turn at ordering, Sara noticed Buffy trying to access the Demon Menu, "Honey, it won't work, you cannot metabolize anything on that menu" "I just wanted to look," she glanced at Spike, boy, was the tension thick here or what, those two need to get this sorted out or Buffy was going to explode, Spike on the other hand looked like the cat who ate the canary. "I have to talk to you" Willow stood in front of Sara shoulders squared and ready for a confrontation. Sara sighed, "I know, Lorne, Dear, can you show the others the..." "Love to Hon, but can't Angel and gang said they needed me for a project tonight, Cordelia mentioned something about compensation for destroying my bar a second time." They kissed "Alright, tell Gunn I said Hi, if they get done early tonight.." Sara stopped mid-sentence and glanced at Buffy then Spike "Invite Fred, Gunn and Wesley over tonight" She opened a portal "Why not Cordy and Angel" "Cordy can come" she leaned into Lorne's ear "But Buffy's got a new boyfriend and Angel may mess it up, tell ya later." she gave him a peck on the ear, Lorne stepped through, and the portal disappeared seconds later. "How can you do that, just throw up a portal here and a no bartendy bar there." Willow was panicky. "Order the food you all like then follow me through these doors, I am going to tell you all a story." "You going to tuck us in our beds tonight too?" Spike chipped in. "Maybe somebody will Spike, but not me." Sara walked into the door that blended into the wall decor.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here we are, born to be kings We're the princes of the universe Here we belong, fighting to survive In a world with the darkest powers And here we are, we're the princes of the universe Here we belong, fighting for survival We've come to be the rulers of your world I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings I have no rival, no man can be my equal Take me to the future of your world Born to be kings, princes of the universe Fighting and free, got your world in my hand I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand We were born to be princes of the universe No man could understand, my power is in my own hand --Queen-Princes of the Universe ~~~~~~~~~ Sara led them into a room with a large table surrounded by large high back tables, the walls were sparsely decorated with pictures of Indian medicine men, shaman, African tribal leaders, and other exotic looking peoples. Sara sat at the head of the table, Willow to her right, the Buffy, Xander, then Dawn, Anya, Spike and Tara. After everyone settled Sara let her gaze fall on Willow as she spoke "Willow has decided to give up magic for good. I have tried my best to teach her temperance and patience, to not use her magic to manipulate people or change past events. But she chose not to listen. I blame the council and myself for the failures that occurred as a result of our inaction. They stayed my hand after her teacher was killed, they stopped me from coming sooner, and I let them. Only after she read the book in her anger at Glory, the one that tainted her soul, did they allow me to come. Only after the Slayer had died. The Council even started the process of getting Faith out of Jail. I stopped them, I told them to wait, for Buffy's fate line had not yet been cut. I could not see how, but the Powers That Be still had plans for her, still were going to use her." Sara's eyes shifted to Buffy "Please try to forgive Willow, it was The Powers That Be that allowed you to come back, you are not the same Buffy Summers, you now see what you are fighting for, the goal that you want for yourself and your loved ones. You have purpose, more so than even before." Sara leaned back "I saw Willow's Forget Spell, I saw her change Amy and then run rampant with her" she tried to keep the growl out of her voice as she said Amy, "I saw her visit the Warlock den and I saw her endanger Dawn. Buffy, I knew you and Spike were there, I stopped the crash from doing more than just fracture her arm, I did what I could with out manipulating people." She tried to drive the point home to Willow "The tale I have is a long one, but it is the story of my life, there is a purpose to it, and I hope that the lessons I have learned may be heeded by all, if Willow gives up magic, I must search for another and it may take another two thousand years to do it." "Give me break, you're no vampire, or demon, how can you be that old?" "Spike, there are those of us you don't even know about. We are called Immortals, we cannot die unless we lose our heads, we usually die by another Immortal's sword in combat, called the Game. In the Game, when challenged you must fight the other immortal one on one, without interference, and not on sacred land. When we die our life force is transferred to the winner of the combat, this transfer is called the Quickening. Now, may I continue?" "Prove it" Spike challenged. "What?" "I said prove it, if you're so bloody immortal, prove it!" "Ya know, with you guys I was kind of hoping I wasn't going to have to do this, it hurts you know." Sara pulled a drawer out from in front of her, and produced a knife from it. She walked over and handed it to Spike, "It won't hurt your chip, go for it." She stared him levelly in the eyes; he smiled then plunged the dagger into her heart. Sara crumpled to the floor "Spike, what have you done?" Buffy asked horrified at what Spike had done. "Proved it." Spike tossed the knife on to the table and settled back down into his seat. "How could you? I mean she's dead. She might have been a little nu..." Sara Gasped hard and sat up, "Spike, you satisfied now?" she winked "Sorry guys, Spike and I spoke early and figured it would be best to 'prove' this early on." She waved a hand and the hole in her dress and the blood stains disappeared."Spike and I were talking and this same argument came up then." She held out her hand as Buffy helped her off the floor. Everyone sat back down. She picked up the knife, cleaned it with a gesture and placed it back into the drawer. "Now to start at the beginning, I was a child named Pedibastet, I was raised in Karanis, Egypt by a kindly mother and father. They could have no children, but found me on the doorstep one morning. My father was an influential toolmaker; his was the best quality stuff around. I had a good childhood. Nothing remarkable. This was during the Ptolemaic Dynasty and, if memory serves right, Ptolemy VIII was Pharaoh. He wasn't a favorable Pharaoh, from what my father said. When I was 13 I was married to the neighbor. Neferhotep was a good man, but when I could not produce any children for him, he divorced me for a more fertile wife. Such was the way of things. I was alone an "old maid" to use a modern term at 19 and really had no place to go. I could go back home, but why. I had heard so much of the Romans, the empire and it's glory, so I set out to see the Empire in person. It was very hard to travel alone as a woman then. Without a male escort you ran into a lot of trouble. I could not travel by boat, so it was camel or walking only. My journey took me over the Nile river east through Arabia Petraea then north and eventually west again through the Alps to what is now Italy. I pushed on until I reached Rome, what a disappointment it had been. I had traveled for so long, to find a city where I was treated worse than just about any place else. I was down trodden and heart broken. What caused me to do this, why had I not stayed home, I could have weaved with my mother and had the simple life, benefited my family. Instead I was here, sitting in an alley, with men trying to lead me "back" to the brothel. Since I have no husband that is where I must be from. I was crying so hard now, wondering if that is where I should go, when a group of drunken men burst out of the nearby tavern. They were rowdy, and boisterous after what must have been a long night of drinking. They came into the alley to relieve themselves, and stumbled over me." Sara shifted uncomfortably; it had been a while, a long while, since she related the events to anyone. It was still very upsetting, she looked up to see everyone staring at her "Sorry, well you can kind of guess what happened next, please don't ask me to re-tell it." She looked almost like a small child then, ready to cry. Willow stood up and hugged her, then sat back down. The phone rang and Sara got up to answer it. "Why did she bring it up if she didn't want to tell, what happened? I am sorry if I didn't get it." Dawn asked in a hushed voice. Everyone looked around, hoping someone else would explain to Dawn when Anya blurted "She was raped, by all of them. She had my predecessor lay pretty hefty curses on them and their families. She was what Batina called an extreme case for justice. Pretty sad really." "Oh. . ."Dawn looked down at the table. Just then Sara came back "That was Lorne, he says they're done tonight, and said that just Fred, Gunn and Wesley are coming back with him Cordy's gonna help Angel with the baby." "Baby!?!" They all said in almost perfect unison. "Crap, I thought Cordy would have called to tell Willow, but I guess with all the confusion, it hasn't happened yet. Here is the run down fast version: Darla is brought back to life by Wolfram & Hart. Angel thinks he is still in love with her. He has issues and well, sleeps with her, but has no feelings for her so it does not affect the curse. Darla gets pregnant, somehow, travels everywhere to find out how, comes back to LA. Somewhere toward the end acquires something of a conscience and decides that the baby can't be born with her alive. So Darla dusts herself and leaves a human baby in behind in the dust." Sara took a breath and waved her arms and a portal appeared. Lorne, then Gunn, Wesley then Fred stepped through. "Travelin' in style" Gunn looked back before it closed. "Nice to meet you, Immortal High Sorceress, I am Wesley Windham Price the Third" "Yes, Wesley, I know who you are" Sara rolled her eyes "But the question is how do you know who I am?" "That would be my fault" Lorne piped up "I had to explain how we would get to Sunnydale in a matter of seconds, I thought the way Wesley talked about his days in the council, he had some kind of hint. Sorry, forgive me?" "Only if you didn't give them my full preposterous title," she smirked at him, "But you did so there will be some penance later." Gunn sat at the table. "What that whole Immortal High Sorceress thing? Don't worry, Wesley's the only one it impressed, I am just glad it is quiet now, that baby cries all the time." Sara gestured to the table that had just enough chairs left to accommodate those that had just arrive, Lorne pulled his up between Tara and Sara. "Anyway, back to the story...I must have died there in that alley, I do not know, I awoke in the morning with a man poking me with his walking stick. 'Good' he said 'You're awake, let's clean you up.' He was a handsome man, clean, definitely not Plebian. He led me through the streets to his manor house, handed me off to his servants who cleaned me up and led me to a room to sleep. I was confused, but took this opportunity to do just that. Later that day his servant arrived and helped me dress for dinner with this kindly stranger that had helped me. Dinner was more food than I think I saw in my whole life. It was spread out on a table, there was just seating for two. 'Please forgive the fact that there is no entertainment tonight, but we must talk in private' I thought that was strange since the servants bustled in and out continuously. He caught the look and asked them to wait until he called for them. 'My name is Methos, can you tell me what happened? I started with the travels, the fight to make it to the splendors of Rome, the disappointment when finally reaching my destination. Then I related the details of the past night through a rain of tears. Everyday is a new day I'm thankful for every breath I take I won't take it for granted So I learn from my mistakes Its beyond my control, sometimes its best to let go Whatever happens in this lifetime So I trust in love You have given me peace of mind P.O.D - Alive "Let me make this easier, and more entertaining." Sara said and gestured at the wall behind her, the pictures in her mind showing now in full color like a movie there. "It is easier to show than to explain, words do not always show the whole picture, If anyone is bored, let me know, I will set up the clubs music system." "No, we're good." Gunn seemed to speak for everyone, "Can you make it a little more comfy in here if we're gonna watch a movie?" Sara nodded and the table disappeared and the room had couches, chairs and recliners instead. "I'll get us some popcorn." Dawn offered. "I'll come with you." Tara followed. The picture showed a still of a thin man with dark hair, next to him sat a woman with long black hair pulled straight down. All eyes turn to Sara as she stood and stared at the doorway; from out of nowhere a slightly curved blade appeared in her hand from behind her back. She stood stock still, waiting. The door opened, it was Tara and Dawn with two huge buckets of popcorn with the club logo stamped on the bags. Behind them a man, the one in the still, strolled in. "Methos, you have a way of showing up at the oddest times." Sara put the sword back, where ever it came from, "Goodness, what has it been, 50 years or so?" "Sara, it's been a while. Not exactly sure why I am here, had to look you up, make sure you were still kickin'. Did you hear about Connor MacLeod?" He had walked over and sat next to Sara, Lorne made sure to sit close by. "Yes, but from what I heard it had to be done," then almost on a second thought, "I am sorry for your recent loss." She had heard about his recent girlfriend that had AIDS and passed on. Just then Methos noticed the wall, his face went blank for a few minutes. Then got he more comfortable in a chair next to her. "I think I am going to stay for this, to make sure you get it right." Sara got up and sat in the love seat next to Lorne. "Everyone ready then? Good." The picture then came to life before their eyes. "Thank you, Methos, for being so kind." The woman shifted in her chair, poking at the food, feigning interest in it. She smiled across the table a very strained smile. "Please eat, you must build up your strength." The silence stretched as they ate. A servant appeared and gestures that Methos was needed in the hall, as soon as her left, she ate more heartily, seeming to feel better. When he arrived, she almost choked on the food she was chewing on. "Do you feel that?" he asked. "What?" her face showed that she did feel something. "You can feel when I come into the room can't you?" "Yes." She put down her food "Why?" He looked uneasy, not sure how to proceed. He had something to say, it was obvious on his face. "Please, forgive me if I am out of bounds, but if there is something you must tell me, please do." she wanted to her it, or so she thought. Methos moved to a chair close to Pedibastet, and to her surprise, switched to her native tongue. (For purposes of the 'movie', only the first sentence was in Egyptian, subtitled into English) "Please, can you tell me your name?" She was embarrassed; she had confessed everything, but her name, "I am sorry, I am Pedibastet." "Why do you travel alone, with no husband or male to protect you?" "I was married, but he has chosen another that can bear him strong sons to work in the fields." the tears came uncontrollably "I tried, I tried so hard, I even went to the Priestess of Mut for help with fertility, but no sons or daughters came. Six years he waited, then apologized and said I was too old to give him the family he needed." "It was the way you were born, there was nothing you could do." Through the tears she looked at him, almost in anger at the memory. "People like us cannot have children." "What do you mean, like us?" she was angry now. "Would you believe me if I told you that you died last night?" "I am sitting here aren't I? Or is this the afterlife? Is Osiris waiting in the hall to weigh my heart?" sarcasm dripped in her voice. His eyes hardened and he seemed to make a decision, he got up and faster than her eyes could register he plunged his Gladius sword into her chest. Her thoughts were heard in a lower, hushed tone 'The fate of it... to survive a major assault... only to die in a strangers house, in strange land.' The picture became fuzzy, A mummified man wearing a white cone-like headdress with feathers, stood before her, took her heart and weighed it against a feather, before the scale stopped moving she gasped for air. She was back in front of the man who had just killed her, she looked at him at disbelief, and then at her clothes, that were covered in blood. He helped her to stand up. "We are immortal. We cannot die, except by losing our heads." "Wait a second," the frame stopped, all looked at Methos, "I was not that violent." "I beg to differ, Methos, I was the one you stabbed." "Who else was I going to stab, myself? That would have only proved I was immortal." "Look, you're the one that stopped the story, I am just saying that that's how I remember it." The story continued. Pedibastet looked at him, "Will you teach me? I am a woman, but I assume I must fight my battles in this game, as you call it. Can you teach me to fight with the Khopesh? Do you know how? How many of us are there?" The questions poured out. The servant brought in a new blouse for her and a bowl for washing. She cleaned up the blood as Methos answered the questions patiently. He seemed to be amused at her sudden excitement. Yes, he had studied the Khopesh. There were more immortals than he could count, but only a fraction of the number of mortals. Most of these immortals were out for an easy kill. There were scenes now of demonstrating the use of the weapon she had chosen, her having dinner and him showing her appropriate ways to act in Roman society, lots of laughing. Then the scene opened to a shopping day in the market, Pedibastet was picking out some cloth and Methos wandered away to a nearby drink stall. Suddenly she sensed another immortal in the crowd. She searched for Methos, but only saw a stranger looking around as intently as she was. She finished the transaction quickly and headed for the house, surely Methos would sense him too and follow. She was almost at a run when he grabbed her. "My, aren't you a pretty one?" he took in the aroma of her hair. "Maybe I should have my way before taking my prize." He turned her to face him. "Go away." She was scared; she could her heart pounding in her ears. She pulled away and backed from him. She had dropped her wares and was falling into the stance she had been drilled to use by Methos these past few years. "So your gonna fight? Just as well. It helps me to enjoy the prize so much the more." Their swords appeared and she waited for him to attack. Suddenly the swords flashed and the man running to her aid heard the metal on metal before he could see the contest. They were both skilled but the male combatant out sized her by half at least. They were all over the area, flashing weapons glinting in the sun, slashing and stabbing, thrusting and parrying for their very lives. She had disarmed him, to her shock and his, then swung hard and took his head. She was rooted to the spot. She could not move. Her exhaustion was total, and then the quickening came. Lightening bolts of energy slammed into her body, fusing his essence with hers. She glanced and saw Methos standing there, relief on his face and she collapsed. She awoke in her room; he was sitting on the bed next to her. "Awake, finally?" "Yes. So that was the quickening." she pushed herself up on her elbows "Not sure if I want to go looking for that." she smiled weakly. "But it will look for you. You did good on your first fight, you survived. Tomorrow we will work on the flawed techniques I saw to tighten up your style." "Always the perfectionist huh?" she playfully punched him on the arm "Thanks for not making me do it today." She went to get up, and he grabbed her arms, "You must rest." "You are a funny man, Methos, you just watched me behead a man, and now you think I am to fragile to make some clothes?" She stared into his eyes and felt the attraction that had been there for all the years she had stayed here. He must have felt it too because he pulled away, again. "Why? Why do you pull away when we are close? The whole town thinks we are married anyway, we've lived together for 3 years now." "I do not care what the mortals think, and I would not marry you." He stormed out of the room. She was visibly hurt, then set her face in determination and ran after him. She found him in the garden, "And why not!?" He looked sad, very sad. She sat down next to him, and said with concern in her voice "What happened?" "It has been a long time, about 100 years or so, but my wife was killed in her first fight. I had taught her, like I am you, we were together for so long. I had shielded her from all the challenges, took them out before they could get to her. This went on for decades, but one day I was not there, like today, I got complacent. She did not make it. I took her killer's head, but it was no consolation. You remind me of her so much, yet you are more headstrong and defiant than she ever was. Today I was waiting for it to happen again." "But it didn't. I am still here." She sat so defiantly next to him, so soft yet strong in her convictions. He shook his head and reached up and caressed the side of her face, "I know, but what about next time? What if you don't come out the victor?" "I hope you'll take him out for me, then I would like you to move on. Don't forget, but go on. I bet that's what she wanted to. You have a part of her with you always, he received her Quickening, you received his." "You are so logical sometime you infuriate me." he smiled at her. She looked into his eyes, "There was a reason you brought me home from that alley, maybe she was pushing you to move on." He took her into his arms. They stayed in that position for a time. He pulled his head back, keeping her in the embrace looked deeply into her eyes. Then gave into the temptation and kissed her. The movie stopped, the lights came on. "You were always so dramatic, you have not changed," Methos shook his head. "No, I haven't, I have learned, but I am still me." "What happened? Did you guys marry? How come you're not still together?" Dawn asked. "We were married 400 wonderful years." "350 or so wonderful years," Methos corrected "then she started with her magic. Everyday, All day, Traveled everywhere in quest of a new spell, an easier technique, she no longer wanted to perform her duties as manager of household duties. She was impossible to live with." "Oh, yeah. Why don't we ask Death hear what he was doing with his off time, shall we? I cannot believe you are still so bitter, we had this argument the last time we were together. You smothered me, wanted to protect me, when I could protect myself, you did not want to change. You just used the magic as an excuse to go run free with Kronos and the other Horsemen." "Whatever." "Yeah. 'Whatever'. That's exactly the last word you said to me, fifty years ago." Beaten why for Can't take much more (Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.) One - Nothing wrong with me Two - Nothing wrong with me Three - Nothing wrong with me Four - Nothing wrong with me One - Something's got to give Two - Something's got to give Three - Something's got to give Now Let the bodies hit the floor Push me again This is the end --Drowning Pool - Bodies Methos walked out. Sara was seething. "There are very few people " her voice was barely audible "who can push my buttons like he can." She turned to the others with a big smile on her face. "I invited everyone here for a party, I've babbled a ton about myself. So let's get this party started." "Wait! you can't just leave us hanging like that!" Xander spoke up "Yeah, Did you hang out with anyone cool?" Dawn asked. "Like who?" Sara toyed with them. She figured this would come up. "Oh, I don't know, Joan of Arc, maybe?" Willow suggested. "How 'bout Dracula?" Spike's voice was heard from the back. "Well as a matter of fact, Spike." "I've met him too, no biggy." Buffy said off-handedly. "Not him, that Euro-trash, Harlequin Cover, Pimp Daddy Wanna-be, give me a freakin' break." Sara's irritation was very genuine, "I am talking about Vlad Dracul, the real Dracula." "His name was Vlad TEPES Dracul" Willow corrected. "Vlad Tepes (which Kalogridis spells phonetically in English as Tsepesh), The word "tepes" in Romanian means "impaler", I doubt his parents named him Vlad Impaler son of the Dragon." Fred stated as she pushed her glasses up on her nose and smiled shyly at everyone. "Ok, from where we left off. I wandered perfecting my magical arts searching for new ways of doing things, new spells. My hunger for magic was insatiable. For 800 years I was alone, on my own, and had become that stereotyped hermit witch living in the woods. When the witch trials began in Europe in the early 1200's, I was a well-known candidate. I think I was burned about six or seven times in a 200-year span. I had a spell that numbed me from the pain, and since I kept my head, I would just wander to another country for a while. At about 1400 I had settled down and had actually set up house with a mortal, Basarab was so kind. I actually miss him now. We had taken in an orphaned girl, Nedelcu. She was so full of life and energy." The tears started again "When she was 10 I started teaching her the healing arts I knew. If I had known, if I had suspected, I should have known." Sara took a deep breath "Ok sorry, they were now in full-fledged hysteria at this time, I was always blatant about my magic. That's what got me into trouble, but her, no, she was very subtle, and genuinely wanted to help people. She spurned the love of a suitor; he did not take to kindly to it and turned her in to the Witch Hunter. She, of course, was found guilty, and I could not save her. My husband, who did not know my true nature, stayed my hands.He held me back and and there was nothing I could do as my magic was not as strong as it is now. They made me watch her burn; I could not even ease her pain. To make a mother watch her daughter in so much pain is inhumane. I snapped, no feeling left, but anger. I left him after her death, he did not know, but my heart was gone, people were death, mortals knew nothing but death, they even reeked of death. They had taken my only child away from me, they were going to pay." Sara stopped, her eyes hardened at the memory "The Dark Arts, which I had steered clear of until now, held my only interest. I studied with fervor, and ran into some very interesting real-life vampires in this time, Maharet and Mael." "You know the Twins?" Spike was shocked. They were the hierarchy of vampiric society. Maharet, Mekare, Lestat,Armand, all of them legends to their own kind. "I knew Maharet and her companion, her obsession to find Mekare was as strong as mine to rid the world of the menace of mortals. She taught me a lot of the old world magics, things lost for millennia, she was older than Methos, and did not care what I did, she had distanced herself from all but the direct descendants of her sister." "They were aristocratic, at the time, and I found myself mingling in Walachia upper society. I could smell the power, the future held something big, for this place and this time I was at. Low and behold soon the man Bram Stoker based his famous novel on was born in the town of Sighisoara in Transylvania. When his time came, his subjects respected him because of his fierce campaigns against the Turks. He was a respected as a warrior and stern ruler who tolerated no crime against his people. My lover had his ear for a time, and what this man is famous for, was my idea. The bloodshed and carnage was glorious in my eyes. Vlad enjoyed them too, he would set up a feast just to watch the impaled people suffer, I loved it. Those people were so inspiring, impaled on stakes in front of the castle. I laughed every time I saw them. There was also Elizabeth, The Blood Countess, she was fun," Sara's voice changed to a mischievous tone "I wonder how she got the idea the blood of virgins would keep her young?" The look in Sara's eyes was that of a mad woman, relishing the evil of her memories "I had changed my name, to Demonica," Spike and Anya gasped at this "What, heard of me?" Sara questioned in an innocent tone knowing full well that that name held power for anyone over 400. "Darla always said she wanted to be like the famed Demonica, more evil than a vampire, more blood on her hands than the Lady Bathory, and indestructible." Spike was awed and Sara liked it. "You were the reason I had a ton of work all those centuries!" Anya looked shocked "Luring men from their wives, girlfriends and mothers, mainly to their death. My goodness, did you not feel any of the curses I tried?" "That annoying thing was you, Anya? Sorry, it was like making sure I had mosquito spray on before I left the house, that's all, Why didn't you tell me when last we spoke?" "I had no idea you were her, I mean you, she was you, you know what I am saying." Anya was a little upset. "Anyway, Anya, how's that bunny issue going for ya?" Sara inquired impishly and Anya shivered. "Yes, she is me and now I had the full attention of the Talmasca. They were talking about taking me down, but could not agree on how. I was definitely one of those "Dangerous" Immortals. I think I was labeled Insane, and now that I think back on it, I probably was." Sara leaned back into the loveseat, Lorne had pulled as far away from her as he could, not liking the vibes that had just radiated from her. "I ran with some very disreputable figures then, I especially loved the Mayfair family, it was one of the more interesting clans to follow. They wielded magic, known to be tainted black." Willow wanted to know. "What made you change? Back to good I mean." "They caught me, the Watchers I mean. Wesley, you might have learned about this one, The Reconditioning procedure? All started with MY reconditioning. They were so insistent. They wanted to help. they realized it was not about the grief any more, that was over centuries ago. It was the power. The way of life I was accustomed to. Once you enter, there seemed no way out. Maybe Methos is right, I did let it consume me. It was so funny, they had 'Adam' assigned to my case at the end. Methos in the watchers, that was funny. He arranged it, I know now, but it was the first time we had seen each other in a thousand years. I broke down, and he talked sense to me. He convinced the Watchers to begin to trust me. Finally, after a generation or two, they gave me the responsibilities I have today." "I have lived for so long, but the game is almost over. The winner has already been decided, there is just a handful of us, comparatively, that, are avoiding the confrontation with him. My time is coming soon, and the Council needs a new Spell caster to take my place. So for about 150 years I have been searching waiting for someone with the talent strong enough to handle the duties to come along. Willow, you were chosen, but you too must learn from the guilt that comes from using the Black Arts. Look at Dawn, you know you have lost her trust, as well as endangered her life. Look at all of your friends; can you earn their trust again? Are you willing to try?" The tears welled in Willow's eyes "But it is so easy to use the power." "Yes, it always easier to wield the black magics." "The question was, Would you try?" Tara looked into her eyes, sad but full of hope. "Yes, I will try."
Pumpin' up the volume Breakin' down to the beat Cruisin' through the west side We'll be checkin' the scene Boulevard is freakin' As I'm comin' up fast I'll be burnin' rubber You'll be kissin' my as* Pull up to the bumper Get out of the car License plate says Stunner #1 Superstar
"All right boys and girls, lets see if the sound system is working in this joint." Sara led them out to the polished floor and up to the wall "This is an interactive club, not exactly karaoke, but close. What you do is place your hand here" Sara gestures to the hand mark on the wall "And your 'theme' music for the moment, will play. You don't have to get on stage, but you can, if no one steps on stage images will appear on the screen up there. Be warned though, once you are on stage, you will have to finish the song." "What do you mean 'for the moment,'" Gunn tested. "Well, moods change, and so does, theme music, you probably won't get the same song twice." She looked around "So who would like to go first?" No one moved, so Sara demonstrated, thus going first. She jumped onto the stage as the music started, and instantly looked like part of the band that was playing. It was the Beastie Boys', Fight for your Right to Party. The video played behind her as everyone got into the music and started dancing. Her clothes changed to a t-shirt and baggy jeans. Chains with large medallions hung around her neck. After it was over, Gunn took his turn, but opted to not get on stage. His song was Clint Eastwood by Gorillaz. The video played while everyone enjoyed the song. Everyone stopped to watch Noodles kick the Gorillas around. Everyone agreed it was an awesome video. Dawn got into the swing of things and ran up and placed her hand on the spot. It started playing a song she wasn't that familiar with, but everyone liked the sound of it. Lights flashed and swam with the music. It gave the stage the illusion of lightening dancing across its floor. Afterward, Sara explained that it read the key, and that next time her personality might come out more in the music. The song was Pure Energy by Information Society. There was silence for a moment then a slow song started, they all looked up to see Willow on stage. It was the Cure with their song, Lovesong. Spike looked at Buffy and gestured to the floor, she rolled her eyes and turned her back to him. Tara ran into the ladies room. She was crying and Sara went to comfort her, followed closely by Buffy who was trying to distance herself from Spike. "Tara, Willow still loves you very much, maybe you guys could take it slow." Sara tried, but Willow ran out almost knocking Buffy over. Next song started playing, and to everyone surprise it was Tara. It was Pictures of Matchstick Men by Ozzy Osbourne and Type O Negative. One the screen behind her imprints of eyes stared across the room. Every time the lyric 'you lied' came up a single tear ran out of the electronic eyes. Tara got off stage and ran into Willow's arms. They were both crying uncontrollably. Wesley was next, his song lightened the mood and everyone had a big laugh at what "The Hand" picked for him. It was a variation on Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees, it was sung by Ozzy and Dweezil Zappa. The magical stage placed him in the John Travolta white polyester suit from Saturday Night Fever. He got right into character and hammed it up all the way. Anya followed with Changes by David Bowie. The was pictures of money piles and wedding dresses. Some pictures of her with her demon face and some her with Xander. Anya pushed her fiance up to the hand and it blessed Xander with Pretty Fly for a White Guy by Offspring. He did a "Hey" kinda look then got into character then the song. It picked Stupify by Disturbed for Fred. Her reality had changed so many times. A song about someone's mental scope on reality seemed to fit her perfectly. Spike got into the act and did Rebel Yell by Billy Idol. He had the look down pat, including the signature sneer. Her made some lude gestures during the song that made everyone stare at Buffy. Buffy got so mad she thought for sure it would pick a song that portrayed it and ran up, placed her hand on the imprint and ran up on the stage. Then the song started, and there was nothing she could do but finish ...Joan Jett's I hate myself for Loving You.
Buffy ran, she ran from the stage and straight out into the street. She didn't know where she was running to, but just kept going. She found herself in the cemetery. She sat down on the ground and cried. She was so confused, Spike tried to kill her, all of them actually. He was so brash, not romantic at all. He was nothing like Angel or Riley. Maybe that may be the point. Angel left her 'for her own good'; Spike would never do that, apparently not even for his own good. Riley, thinking about it now was just Angel rebound. Being with Spike was awesome, but scared the hell out of her. The feelings were too intense. She forgot about everything, including Dawn. What was she going to do? If Giles were here, he'd remind her about how awful Spike used to be and say that if the chip was removed, that he'd just be evil again. Then he might leave. Like her Dad. Like Angel. Like Riley. Like Giles. Like her Mom. She had been through enough, lately and well she didn't know if she could take anymore. Spike was the only person she had feelings for. Oh, she cared for the others, like she was supposed to, but it was muted some how. Not with Spike. Why? She had no idea. She heard the leaves crunch behind her and Buffy jumped to her feet. she had Mr. Pointy in one hand ready to strike when a hand was placed on her shoulder from behind. She spun around and when she saw it was Spike, punched him in the face instead of staking him outright. "Oh, foreplay again is it?" he said as he picked himself up off the ground. His smart-ass attitude really made her mad. "Go away Spike, you're the one I was trying to get away from." She tried to walk away from him but he spun her around and held her in place "Buffy, I did not ask that Buggar thing to spit out that song, but it is the only thing that has been on my mind. It must have been all those drinks that must have made me get up there in the first place. " "Blood you mean." "Yeah, Buffy, I am a vampire, it is what we drink." "Let me go, Spike." "Or what?" She tried to get away and when her struggles came of no avail, she slumped into his arms crying. Voicing her thoughts that she had earlier through the sobs. After she was done he spoke. "I cannot promise you anything Buffy, except the fact that I love you. I do not know what I am going to do if this chip ever makes it out of my head. I know I won't hurt you, because I can already do that now if I wanted to." "You think so,huh?" Her jaw was set defiantly. "Buffy, please let me finish. Angel was your first real love, and he hurt you badly. Soldier Boy Riley helped to ease that pain and the pain from that sodding jerk Parker. Now I hope your ready for something more mature. There are no guarantees in life, not even a vampire's. Angel and I are proof. Not even death was a guarantee for us, or you Buffy. They didn't tell me, or I would have stopped them, Pet. I found out when I saw you walking down the stairs, and realized it wasn't Buffybot. Please believe me, Luv, I did not want this, but it is what it is." "And you used to be a poet and couldn't come up with anything better than 'it is what it is'?" she smiled, it seemed ok, now just listening to Spike, he was telling the truth, or believed he was. "They never claimed I was a good one." He loved her smile, almost as much as watching her slay the Baddies. He used to be one of those Baddies, but for now, for her he would try and behave. They kissed each other with soft kissses that suddenly turned hungry with their intensity. Buffy pulled away before it could get too far. "Not yet, Spike. Let's do this right." "But we've already done it, Luv." and he went in to taste Buffy's lips again. She stopped him. "I'm not saying we'll never do it again, just not right now." she kissed him again, "We need to get back before they start tearing up the town looking for us." So they walked back to the club, hand in hand. When they re-entered, Lorne, Gunn, Fred and Wesley had gone. Everyone else was at the bar chatting. "I knew he was going to do it." Sara was misty-eyed "I felt it when I was relating my evil days. He had never glimpsed that in me before, and frankly now he's scared of me. Oh, well, C'est La Vie." Sara was talking to Anya and Xander Tara and Willow were a further down. "We can try dating, maybe, then if everything goes well, you can move back in." "Whoa, let's just take it slow, Willow, One step at a time. Ok?" Dawn was the only one that noticed them walk in. She walked over to them, the others oblivious in their conversations. "You ok, Buffy?" She hugged her, and Buffy hugged her back with one arm as Spike would not let go of her other hand. "I'm ok, really." she smiled at Dawn and petted her hair. "Ok, sis, spit it out, you've been keeping a secret." The three of them moved over to a table, which also had a menu built in. The ladies selected water, Spike, who was actually pretty full from earlier did not get anything. "Nothing to tell really." Buffy sipped her water. "I'm not stupid Buffy, Is that where you were the night that Willow was gone too?" "Li'l bit knows more than you think, pet, besides she's the only family you got left." Spike pointed out. "Yes. And well, there's nothing to tell, we, um spent the night together patrolling and talking." Spike snorted. "Yeah, ok," Dawn smiled, "but when did you figure out you liked Spike? We all knew about Spike's crush on you." "All?" Spike and Buffy said in unison. "So obvious, anyway, when?" "About a half-hour ago." Buffy said, "With that song." "But you were 'patrolling' all night together, and you just figured this out a half hour ago?" "It's complicated Dawn, you wouldn't understand, and what do you know of 'patrolling' anyway?" "I do go to school, Buffy." "You haven't..." "No, Buffy" Dawn rolled her eyes and got up and left them alone at the table. "She didn't seem mad, almost like she expected it. But wait for the others." She leaned over and kissed Spike and then laid her head on his shoulder. "I was kind of hoping they'd all see us as we walked in, I was ready for it then, but now I'm just tired. I feel drained." "'Cause you're not fighting you're emotions anymore,Pet. Maybe you can let yourself feel for the others now, too" He kissed her forehead. "Well don't fall asleep yet, the Scooby brigade is coming." "What the hell do you think you are doing? Get your hands off of Buffy!" Xander demanded. "Or you'll do what?" Spike smiled at him, Xander couldn't even fight Harmony. "Please everyone sit down, Buffy has something to tell us. Don't make it any harder on her." All heads turned, it was Dawn, protecting her sister. Buffy smiled, "Thanks Dawnie. I guess from the songs, everyone knows." She just wanted to be home. She had very little emotions since she was returned to life by Willow. She had run the gambit tonight and now was exhausted. "Yeah, that goofy machine isn't working right, Right? Please don't tell me you love Spike." There was hope in Xander's voice. "I don't know, and I was afraid to find out, afraid you guys wouldn't understand. I don't know where this is going but I am willing to give it a shot." Buffy was so tired, the dam that held her emotions back broke and the anxiety over Spike was finally lifted. She was at peace with the world for the first time since he friends brought her back. "All right guys let's get the slayer home and in bed. Come back anytime, I'll be here. Willow give me a call so we can schedule training sessions." Sara got the mother tone and shooed them all out the door. "I never said. . . " Willow started. "When you're ready, of course." Sara smiled. They walked home discussing the nights events, when they got to the Summers home, Buffy sat on the couch and promptly fell asleep. Spike scooped her up and carried her up the stairs, and to her room. Willow followed, "Wait," Willow stopped him before he could enter the room. She ran in and pulled down some things and fussed about the room for a minute. As she did he glanced into Buffy's face, how peaceful it looked. "Better." Willow said when she reappeared. He stepped in and laid her on the bed, removed her shoes and covered her up. In the corner he saw a huge pile of garlic, and a glint of metal. He smiled, "Didn't trust yourself, Luv, to keep me a bay?" He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, and left. "Not going to stay?" Dawn asked as he headed for the door. "Not yet, she'll let me know when, but not just yet." He was smiling as he headed out the door. Dawn decided she liked that smile.
Sara waved her hand and what little mess there was disappeared in an instant. "When are you going to stop playing matchmaker?" Methos stepped out of the shadows. "When someone takes my head." she sat down at one of the tables. He moved to sit across from her. "He left you didn't he?" "Yes, he found out about the real me and left, just like you." "Stop. I do not want to fight! Demonica, is not the real you." "How do you know? You left to run with the Horsemen. If you had stayed maybe Demonica would never have happened." "I made mistakes, as we all did. I've watched you longer than you realize, Pedibastet, and know that your grief consumed you and you ceased to care." "We've already covered that . . . thanks for playing, though." she was bitter. "Are you ever going to stop throwing verbal punches at me?" "No." She decided to tell him. "I've pulled away for a reason, I saw it then, and surprisingly it has not come to pass even with all our fighting." "What did you see?" He thought he knew already. She used have visions of them with children in a big house. "The person that is going to take my head." she wore a forelorn expression on her face. That wasn't what he thought "Who?" after a moment's hesitation. "You." "Me, why would I?" "I don't know, but you will." "Is that why you always instigate, to drive me away?" "Or bring it on. I am where you were when you found me, Methos, how can you keep going?" she asked. He took her hand over the tabletop "I have never stopped loving you, even though you drive me crazy, and I know you feel the same. That has kept me going for at least two thousand years" He looked down at the table "I am the one who made the Talamasca bring you in alive, I pleaded with them not to waste the magical talent you had, it is what saved you from being destroyed during your darkest hour." "Methos, I have missed you too, but I do not need a protector anymore." She was o stubborn. How could he have fallen for a girl so set in her ways? He shugged at the thought. "Yes, you do, from yourself. You are going to need help steering this woman in the right direction, and her use of black magic might drag you back down." "Oh, so now I am a charity case? You must stop Demonica from re-emerging! Who put you up to it? The Elders?" she got up walked away from the table, he followed. She did not want to give in, did not want to believe it could be good again. "Stop, just stop." She was so infuriating. Why didn't she understand. She froze where she stood her head hung low. Good. He didn't have to chase her. "No one has put me up to it, did you not hear me? I still love you." "I know, I have always known, even when you first walked away." She looked up. "And I you, but this changes nothing." He kissed her, "Yes it does, I set you free, and you came back to me." he smiled, "With a little coaxing." She grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to her apartment. She walked into the bedroom and reached into the wall and pull out a very ancient looking box. "An illusionary safe. I need to get one of those." Sara ignoored him and blew the dust off of the box, and then unlocked it magically. Inside laid a single iron ring. Methos was surprised "You actually kept it?" "Yes, I have kept in good shape via magic throughout the years too. Sometimes it was just so I could throw it in your face if I saw you again." she consented. Then smiled coyishly "Want to pretend we're newly weds again?" "I'm not that young, but we can give it a try."he said as he slipped the ring back onto her finger for the first time in a millenia.
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